Messer signs Diversity Charter


Messer, the largest family-run industrial gases specialist worldwide, has signed the Diversity Charter, underlining its commitment to creating a respectful working environment free of prejudice.

This initiative to promote diversity in companies and institutions is run under the aegis of Chancellor Angela Merkel.

By taking this step, Messer is setting another clear example of its commitment to diversity and tolerance and signalling that all employees are valued irrespective of their gender and gender identity, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or ideology, disability, age or sexual orientation and identity. In 2019, the company had already taken part in the “Made in Germany – Made by Diversity” initiative, joining a total of around 50 German family-owned companies in speaking out in favour of open-mindedness and against xenophobia.

Stefan Messer, owner and CEO of Messer Group GmbH, emphasises: “Mutual trust and respect for human diversity are deep-rooted values forming the immutable basis of how we deal with each other”. Diversity management is a cross-cutting issue. The idea behind it is that employees are best able to contribute their potential in an organisational culture where diversity is taken for granted in everyday life. Moreover, such a culture promotes the diversity of ideas or products that are synonymous with the organisation.

“Championing and harnessing diversity has never been more important. It offers considerable untapped potential – after all, our society is much more diverse and differentiated now than ever before. If we are to tap into this potential, we need to take a stand for a respectful way of dealing with each other – contrary to some opinions in politics and society,” says Aletta Gräfin von Hardenberg, Director of diversity charter association Charta der Vielfalt e.V.

Messer Cutting Systems: špičková technológia viac ako 125 rokov

Messer Cutting Systems je globálny poskytovateľ špičkových technológií. Spoločnosť ponúka produkty a služby pre kovopriemysel, ktorý stanovuje štandardy po celom svete. Ako priekopník v priemysle dodáva strojárska spoločnosť kompletné riešenia a strategicky sa zameriava na poradenstvo svojim zákazníkom a na inovácie zamerané na zákazníka. Dôraz je kladený na digitalizáciu procesov a výrobkov. Spoločnosť má viac ako 800 zamestnancov na 5 hlavných miestach s výrobnými závodmi a vo viac ako 50 krajinách.

Sortiment výrobkov zahŕňa systémy na rezanie kyslíkom, plazmou a laserom, od ručne ovládaných strojov po špeciálne stroje na stavbu lodí, ako aj stroje a systémy na zváranie, rezanie, spájkovanie a ohrev kyslíkom. Program dopĺňajú náhradné diely, opravy, modernizácia, údržba a servis, ako aj environmentálna technológia systémov. Vnútorné softvérové ​​riešenia optimalizujú výrobné a obchodné procesy. Sortiment výrobkov dopĺňajú riešenia od technologických partnerov, napríklad v oblasti automatizácie.

Intenzívny dialóg so zákazníkom je na prvom mieste - moderné školiace stredisko toto tvrdenie objasňuje. Po celom svete je Messer Cutting Systems partnerom výberu rezacích systémov a konzultantom pre zákazníkov.