
New start succeeds despite the pandemic

Ragnitz, Austria, 2022.11.22

In 2020, right in the middle of the Corona Pandemic, Michael Messner, Austrian entrepreneur and creative metalworker, dared to start over by founding MTM MetallTechnik Messner in Ragnitz near Graz. He is rewarded for his courage and innovative ideas. He attributes part of his still young success story to his “Messer Experience”.

Increase in sales by 500%

Especially today, in economically difficult times, a success story like that of Michael Messner gives hope. Having only started his company MTM MetallTechnik Messner in 2020, he can already show an increase in sales of almost 500% in the third financial year.

„I am very happy about the high demand for our products and the associated excellent order situation," says Michael Messner, owner and Managing Director of the young company proudly. “We attribute a significant part of this success to our CNC flame cutting machine from Messer Cutting Systems and our positive experiences with Messer.“

Started early

Messner's goal was to deliver high quality to customers in the field of metal technology at marketable prices. The contract manufacturer for sheet metal technology and blanks started looking for suitable equipment at an early stage. Messner started asking various manufacturers at the end of 2019. "It was important for me to be able to cover as many different customer requirements as possible with the machine park," Messner explains his selection process.

The ability to deliver, service technicians nearby, manufacture of the machine in German-speaking countries, customer service, availability of employees, professionalism, brand awareness and quality were the decisive criteria for him. "In addition, the expenses for starting the company should remain within reasonable limits," Messner continues.

High Performance – Low Price

Messner opted for the MetalMaster 2.0 from Messer Cutting Systems. The MetalMaster is an economical CNC flame cutting machine that shows full power in a small space. Quick and easy to install and operate, the compact and space-saving plasma cutting system is the economical entry-level machine for plasma or oxy-fuel cutting, or both combined. High positioning speeds and intelligent height adjustment reduce non-productive times.

Productivity and flexibility increase thanks to the touch screen CNC control Global Control 2.0, which requires a total of three clicks from loading the part program to cutting, and a safety concept that enables clearing during the cutting operation.

„The MetalMaster is a compact, very dynamic machine thanks to its lightweight construction. In my opinion, it is one of the fastest machines in the plasma product segment,” explains Messner. "Its speed, accuracy, quality and versatility make it a machine that fits our needs perfectly."

Complete package from a single source

In addition to the MetalMaster and Global Control, the CAD/CAM software OmniWin and the use of Messer gases as well as service and training round off the overall package.

„It was important to us to provide MTM with a highly flexible machine concept that would make it easy for newcomers to quickly and sustainably establish themselves on the market,” says Gerhard Wimmer, head of the Messer Cutting Systems department at Messer Austria GmbH.

The efficient and cost-effective machine covers around 98% of MTM's requirements in the 2D area with plasma, oxy-fuel, carrier processing and calculation with quotations via OmniWin.

Productive in five days

Despite the difficult global situation, Messer Cutting Systems kept to the delivery date fairly precisely. Construction, training, testing, acceptance and commissioning took place within just five days. The machine was already running productively at MTM on the fifth day.

„The on-site commissioning with Messer Cutting Systems was very successful. I'm very satisfied," says Messner, pleased about the successful project and his positive Messer Experience.

Potential increased

The purchase of the machine has increased both his overall market and his sales potential. With the support of the machine, he has significantly expanded the portfolio of services and components. This has led to greater customer satisfaction and numerous new customers.

„The decisive factor is the accuracy and quality, our high speed and efficiency with a low error rate. From planning to the finished product, we are now much faster thanks to the CAD/CAM software OmniWin from Messer. It is user-friendly, has suitable interfaces for importing from planning programs, enables error-tolerant operation and runs perfectly,” says Messner. “I would definitely choose the complete package again!“

Big plans

Of course, despite numerous challenges, he plans to remain on the road to success. In the business customer area, the company is under constant pressure compared to the competition. In the private sector, MTM has to adapt more and more to individualized consumer products. In order to keep quality high and prices low at the same time, the use of machines and software solutions such as those from Messer Cutting Systems is indispensable.

Due to the high demand, he is looking for at least one full-time employee, other employees not excluded. "If growth continues, I will also consider investing in an additional laser machine from Messer Cutting Systems," says Messner, explaining his plans for the future.

In doing so, he will continue to take quality and costs into account in the future as well as continue to pay attention to service, advice and the availability of suppliers.

DOWNLOAD Press Release here as PDF file.

Photo 1: Michael Messner, owner and Managing Director MTM MetallTechnik Messner © Messer Cutting Systems

Photo 2: With the ALFA oxyfuel torch, sheet metal thicknesses of up to 100 millimeters can be processed. © Messer Cutting Systems

Photo 3: The machine is equipped with the new power source Q 1500 plus from Kjellberg. Thanks to the Q-Hole technology, precise holes can be cut with a ratio of 0.75:1. © Messer Cutting Systems

Photo 4: Anyone who chooses the cutting professional MetalMaster 2.0 not only gets top plas-ma/oxyfuel technology, but also benefits from the extensive Messer application know-how in cutting technology. © Messer Cutting Systems

Figure 1: Logo MTM MetallTechnik Messner e.U.

Messer Cutting Systems: špičková technológia viac ako 125 rokov

Messer Cutting Systems je globálny poskytovateľ špičkových technológií. Spoločnosť ponúka produkty a služby pre kovopriemysel, ktorý stanovuje štandardy po celom svete. Ako priekopník v priemysle dodáva strojárska spoločnosť kompletné riešenia a strategicky sa zameriava na poradenstvo svojim zákazníkom a na inovácie zamerané na zákazníka. Dôraz je kladený na digitalizáciu procesov a výrobkov. Spoločnosť má viac ako 800 zamestnancov na 5 hlavných miestach s výrobnými závodmi a vo viac ako 50 krajinách.

Sortiment výrobkov zahŕňa systémy na rezanie kyslíkom, plazmou a laserom, od ručne ovládaných strojov po špeciálne stroje na stavbu lodí, ako aj stroje a systémy na zváranie, rezanie, spájkovanie a ohrev kyslíkom. Program dopĺňajú náhradné diely, opravy, modernizácia, údržba a servis, ako aj environmentálna technológia systémov. Vnútorné softvérové ​​riešenia optimalizujú výrobné a obchodné procesy. Sortiment výrobkov dopĺňajú riešenia od technologických partnerov, napríklad v oblasti automatizácie.

Intenzívny dialóg so zákazníkom je na prvom mieste - moderné školiace stredisko toto tvrdenie objasňuje. Po celom svete je Messer Cutting Systems partnerom výberu rezacích systémov a konzultantom pre zákazníkov.