MultiTherm Eco: Metal construction can be fun


The Staatliche Berufsschule Bad Aibling is one of the most modern vocational schools in Germany. In the competence centre for metal and construction technology, the classes work on a MultiTherm Eco using most modern technology. Among other things, assemblies for metal and steel construction are manufactured, such as connections for steel constructions or frames for benches in the school's outdoor area.

In addition to clear and intuitive operation, the focus is on good support and the implementation of individual wishes. For example, the students practice the operation of the machine control system with simulation software on a large touchboard before implementing it on the Global Control. The handling of CNC-controlled machines has been an integral part of the training for years.

"We attach great importance to the fact that our students independently implement the tasks from the drawing to the finished cut component. An intuitively operated machine control system, such as the MultiTherm Eco, makes this holistic approach much easier for us. It helps us to profitably integrate the machine into the classroom," says Stefan Olbert, senior teacher and specialist advisor for metal construction / plant mechanics.

"The aim is not only to reflect the operational working environment, but also to give the skilled workers of the future an insight into the possibilities of a modern equipped production plant - even beyond the boundaries of their own training company. To achieve this, we depend on good partnerships with manufacturers such as Messer Cutting Systems and their support, and we would like to thank them very much for their excellent cooperation", Olbert continues.

With the MultiTherm Eco, a great wish came true for the school as part of the new school center construction 2012-2014. The vocational school has already had very good experience with the predecessor model, a pure flame cutting system.

Alois Guggenbichler (right), technical supervisor for metal construction and plant engineering with his students at the MultiTherm Eco.

Messer Cutting Systems: špičková technológia viac ako 125 rokov

Messer Cutting Systems je globálny poskytovateľ špičkových technológií. Spoločnosť ponúka produkty a služby pre kovopriemysel, ktorý stanovuje štandardy po celom svete. Ako priekopník v priemysle dodáva strojárska spoločnosť kompletné riešenia a strategicky sa zameriava na poradenstvo svojim zákazníkom a na inovácie zamerané na zákazníka. Dôraz je kladený na digitalizáciu procesov a výrobkov. Spoločnosť má viac ako 800 zamestnancov na 5 hlavných miestach s výrobnými závodmi a vo viac ako 50 krajinách.

Sortiment výrobkov zahŕňa systémy na rezanie kyslíkom, plazmou a laserom, od ručne ovládaných strojov po špeciálne stroje na stavbu lodí, ako aj stroje a systémy na zváranie, rezanie, spájkovanie a ohrev kyslíkom. Program dopĺňajú náhradné diely, opravy, modernizácia, údržba a servis, ako aj environmentálna technológia systémov. Vnútorné softvérové ​​riešenia optimalizujú výrobné a obchodné procesy. Sortiment výrobkov dopĺňajú riešenia od technologických partnerov, napríklad v oblasti automatizácie.

Intenzívny dialóg so zákazníkom je na prvom mieste - moderné školiace stredisko toto tvrdenie objasňuje. Po celom svete je Messer Cutting Systems partnerom výberu rezacích systémov a konzultantom pre zákazníkov.