Plasma and oxyfuel under one roof - Messer Cutting Systems presents potent entry level model


For anyone who wants to venture into the world of thermal cutting machines, entry has now been made significantly easier – with respect to investment level, space requirements and performance. Whilst the numbers need to be kept small for costs and footprint, the opposite applies to performance! The new TerraBladeD from Messer Cutting Systems GmbH in Groß-Umstadt makes just this possible. What is more, the machine is particularly efficient and combines the advantages of plasma and oxyfuel cutting.

In many branches of industry it is a daily task to cut plates and bring them to the required shape. It is especially popular in such a strongly competitive market to extract economic advantages for yourself and your customer. “Whoever implements their own cutting machine into production can at least count on time advantages. However, in many shops the space in the production hall is not there for such an investment. This excuse is no longer valid: because it is for that that we have developed the more compact but no less powerful alternative, the TerraBladeD”, confides Abraham Balendran, Product Manager Messer Cutting Systems Europa.

Compact in format, large in performance
The TerraBladeD has been conceived not only for use in small workshops but also for large industry factories and thus combines under a compact umberella all the advantages of plasma and oxyfuel cutting machines. In developing the machine the critical focus was on the operator. The result: the eminently simple operation gives the required results fast.

If customer orders need to be processed quickly – whether cuts shapes for metal covers or holders or side walls for ventilation systems – they can be produced easily with the TerraBladeD. Maximum 2.5 m working width and a working length of maximum 8 m give the potential for almost limitless possibilities. It makes no difference here whether oxyfuel cuts up to 80 mm or plasma cuts up to 25 mm are required: The TerraBladeD meets the requirements for all Standard applications.

Entry level model with promotion qualities
“If the price as well as the space required were often arguments against having your own cutting machine, we have turned the World a bit on its head with the TerraBladeD. It scores, namely, both with an attractive purchase price and with low operating costs because we only used low maintenance components with long service lives” according to Abraham Balendran.
Moreover, a user orientated safety concept helps to raise productivity and flexibility: Thus, for example, the on-board light barriers make it possible to unload the machine whilst it is cutting. What is more, the TerraBladeD meets the requirements of all required Standards for safe production operation.

Messer Cutting Systems: špičková technológia viac ako 125 rokov

Messer Cutting Systems je globálny poskytovateľ špičkových technológií. Spoločnosť ponúka produkty a služby pre kovopriemysel, ktorý stanovuje štandardy po celom svete. Ako priekopník v priemysle dodáva strojárska spoločnosť kompletné riešenia a strategicky sa zameriava na poradenstvo svojim zákazníkom a na inovácie zamerané na zákazníka. Dôraz je kladený na digitalizáciu procesov a výrobkov. Spoločnosť má viac ako 800 zamestnancov na 5 hlavných miestach s výrobnými závodmi a vo viac ako 50 krajinách.

Sortiment výrobkov zahŕňa systémy na rezanie kyslíkom, plazmou a laserom, od ručne ovládaných strojov po špeciálne stroje na stavbu lodí, ako aj stroje a systémy na zváranie, rezanie, spájkovanie a ohrev kyslíkom. Program dopĺňajú náhradné diely, opravy, modernizácia, údržba a servis, ako aj environmentálna technológia systémov. Vnútorné softvérové ​​riešenia optimalizujú výrobné a obchodné procesy. Sortiment výrobkov dopĺňajú riešenia od technologických partnerov, napríklad v oblasti automatizácie.

Intenzívny dialóg so zákazníkom je na prvom mieste - moderné školiace stredisko toto tvrdenie objasňuje. Po celom svete je Messer Cutting Systems partnerom výberu rezacích systémov a konzultantom pre zákazníkov.